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三观超正的文案,看完充满正能量 快快分享吧˙Ⱉ˙

100次浏览     发布时间:2024-09-16 08:25:30     编辑: 紫萱雅芙

1.世界充满分岐 ,所以要学会尊重别人。
The world is full of differences, so learn to respect others.

2.表白是说明心意 ,而不是索取关系。
A confession is a declaration of intention, not a demand for a relationship.

You can hate something, but you have to allow it to exist and others to like it. I will not deny my love for her because of what others have said about her.

By your light I have seen what I have never seen before, and I walk boldly on your path at night, seeing the doubts of others as a beacon of fire.

The world's long place is not tired of all because of the heart

6.别灰心 普普通通的你 也值得万般宠溺
Don't be discouraged. You deserve to be spoiled

7.做一个积极向上的人, 读温柔的句子,见阳光的人 眼里全是温柔和笑意。
Be a positive person, read gentle sentences, see the sun's eyes are gentle and smile.

People who love you make you a better person

There is no correlation between appearance and nurture

You should get power and happiness from liking, not spend all your power and happiness to like。

Selfishness is not living the way you want others to live.